Friday, February 15, 2013

Sales Team Analysis Flyer

Got the chance to create a flyer this year for a chance to win a free reports. I really felt the inspiration to do a  cartoon like theme background. I enjoyed creating the theme in Photoshop.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Imagine Great People - Brochure

One of the projects I had the opportunity to create for a conference was a brochure. Profiles International wanted a brochure that explain more of who they are, and it gave me some creative input to come up with a cool design layout. It was a blast to have each page have it's own uniqueness to it, as well as, create a magazine like style!

This is the cover - though the content on top is hard to read from software transition - it reads "Imagine Great People"

I enjoyed creating the back - it is a magazine ad that I created for another event. It added so much to this brochure!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Conference - Invitations

 I loved creating these next pieces. For a conference, I got to create unique and "whatever you like" style concepts for these pieces. It was fun!!!
This concept was created, well, because it was a western style dance event. It was a fun using Photoshop effects and tools to create the final look.
The simplicity beauty was amazing for this piece. The Summit Society was published well with a mountain in the background and the brands colors.
This is my favorite out of the three. The coins at the bottom right had dollar signs (and since this is an international event, we had to get rid of them). Photoshop was really fun in handling the task of getting rid of the dollar signs! I also love the font. The placement could not have been more well placed.

All three invitations were awesome to develop. I enjoyed the process from the beginning!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Imagine 2012 - Branding

I got the wonderful opportunity to create an identity for a conference. I enjoyed the amount of effort and resources that God placed in front of me to get this awesome brand accomplished. 

The start of this concept came from creating a PowerPoint template. I was glad to know what resources were to be used so that I can work with them. This is actually one of 3 versions, however, the executive team loved this version!

Once the concept was approved, I went ahead and made a logo for the event. The logo is "crazy cool". I loved every bit of it - and the best part was that the logo had numerous ways of being used.

One of the highlights for I encountered for this project was creating an agenda booklet. It was amazing getting to be creative, while staying in the boundaries of content. This is one of my accomplishments to this date!

Note: This is only portion of the book. I do have the original copy in my portfolio!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Need Answers - Have Solutions

I enjoyed making this particular magazine ad. I loved taking the advantage of using Adobe Photoshop to create the background. It was a fun project to take on, and came out really cool!

Treat Employees like Assets

A very unique concept for a creative magazine ad for a conference. I enjoyed using the creativity to edit many different photos together (notebook, boxes, content) to create this amazing piece!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Brighter Future

Enjoyed creating this during a deadline for a conference. I love the message and how the banner came together! It is always cool to see how effects can help make the project come about!

Perfect Sales Person

An awesome banner concept created for a product for a conference! I enjoyed the time of using Adobe Illustrator (lines, tiles), InDesign (content) and Photoshop (texture, placement) to make this creation come to life! It was really fun and one of the most proudest pieces I have created to this date!